Tuesday, January 12, 2010

moving on

It's been a crazy few days, full of transition, major changes and great opportunities. As I look to the next couple of months I have realized that my life is about to change dramatically and I could not be more excited.
I did something a little spontaneous today, but spontaneity has kind of become my things. I booked a trip to NYC for the last weekend in Feburary. This trip will mark a couple of a major milestones for me. First, it will be exactly one year and a few short weeks after my very first trip to the city. Since that first trip, I've been back multiple time and am convinced that if I never get married, I will be perfectly content being in love with New York. It is a city unlike any other, full of passion and new beginnings. I fall more in love with it every time I visit. During this trip I have also been given the opportunity to meet with an incredible organization that does great things for ovarian cancer research. This meeting will give me the opportunity to sit down and figure out how I can really make a difference for the lives of women in the future who, I hope, will be as fortunate as I was in my battle with cancer. My meeting with the research organization marks the day that I have been cancer free for 10 years! What a great way to celebrate!
My hope is that everyone would find the things in life that they are most passionate about, the things that literally make them come alive and chase them with everything they have in them. Always take advantage of the opportunity.

"I'm moving onward as another chapter unfolds..." Weekend Excursion

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